Bringing neighbours closer
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Date: 07. May 2022
Time: All Day
Daugavpils, Latvia
Culture department of Augsdaugavas count municipality invites theatre lovers and beginners in this field to look at the stories of life and memories of the Latvian population at Ausdaugava count through three theatre performances. The scenarios of the theater performance were created during the events of recording the memories of the history of the project “Old like new”. The participants of the community theatre are not professional actors, just residents of the rural area, who have mastered the basics of theater art for three months and jointly created their own interpretation of one of the stories heard.
“Life like game” director and script Victor Janson. Audivisual performance with participants of the social center and the county residents with movement or physical mental disabilities.
“The changing truth of life” the story is about of the Old Believers’ historical village Daniševka in Biķernieki Parish, Augšdaugava Region, and the historical events that took place during the tsar’s time, during the Second World War, and about the traditions of the inhabitants.
Both performance director and script Victor Janson.
“Love has no boundaries” direktor Ivars Lūsis, script Jūlija Ļaha. Story about the relationship between the daughters of a large family and each other. For family love and support. The theatrical performance is complemented by puppets, which are moved by the participants of the performance and the corresponding choreography.
All activities – creative history and memory writing classes for youth with elderly people in LV, photo and video clasess and others were held as part of a project LLI-541 “Developing deprived territories‘ network in Daugavpils and Zarasai regions by using lifelong learning, cultural and healthy lifestyle‘s activities”. More info : contact person Jelena Žukova jelena.zukova@augsdaugavasnovads.lv , phone +37125611544 or municipality web page:
Total projects size is 230 000 EUR. Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 195 500 EUR.
This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Centre of Culture of Zarasai Municipality and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.