Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 15. May 2018
Time: All Day
Ludza, Latvia
Latgale Planning Region invites local municipalities of the region to participate in regional visits to local municipalities to strengthen and increase regional cooperation.
These activities will take place in Ludza on May 15, 2018 and May 16, 2018.
The main focus of these activities is to understand experience of each of municipality presenting at the meeting about covered topics, as well as different needs and areas for planning of efficiency building for each of them. It is necessary also to get insight of local municipality service provision: working with social groups, cooperation with NGO’s, attraction of investments etc. During these activities, participants also will discuss how to apply LEAN methodology in their work. Sharing experience also will help to improve the content of the training for customer-oriented services (10 days cycle) which will be organized during the summer.
We invite municipalities of Latgale Planning Region to delegate a representative to these activities, sending information about the participant (name, surname, phone No. and e-mail) to e-mail: pasts@lpr.gov.lv. The number of participants is limited!