Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 14. January 2022
Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am
By the end of January, the third period of the LLI-441 project will be completed. During this period the project partners:
In the fourth period of the project, other important works await the partners:
The International Join Training and Workshops on people safety assurance during the low season, which are planned at February, are needed to increase the competencies of rescuers in case of incidents at various non-swimming locations and during the low season. This is a rescue of recreational fishermen on the ice, as well as rescuing people camping or with small fishing (swimming) tools in case of accidents. The one-day event is planned for up to 80 participants. After receiving information about published emergency situation in Latvia, which will be valid till the end of February, the project partners were concerned about the organization of the training. To discuss about possible solution of this problem and review upcoming project tasks, the urgent Project Partner Meeting were organized.
The Project Partners Meeting will be held online by using Zoom platform at 14-01-2022.
During the meeting after discussion about various ways of organization of the Trainings and Workshop and importance to organize Training’s practice face to face, the partners agreed to wait till the end of February and then according the situation to plan the organization of International Join Trainings and Workshop.
Also, the upcoming project tasks were shortly overviewed, has been discussed about the necessary and possibility to prolong the project period by a few months in order to properly implement all the objectives set out in the project.