Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 10. July 2018 - 11. July 2018
Time: 12:00 am
Aglona, Latvia
Latgale Planning Region invites local municipalities of the region to participate in 10 day training cycle “The availability and quality of customer-oriented services in municipalities”.
Fifth and sixth day of the training will take place in Aglona municipality on July 10, 2018 and July 11, 2018.
The main focus of these days’ trainings will be on understanding what customers want in 21st century and which are and potentially could be the main client groups in municipality. During these trainings participants will discuss the meaning of strategic partnership and cooperation of municipality and different client groups for development and optimization of municipality. These themes will be presented in the framework of LEAN management system, which is customer-oriented system to achieve maximum results with minimal resources.
We invite municipalities of Latgale Planning Region to delegate a representative to these activities, sending information about the participant (name, surname, phone No. and e-mail) to e-mail: pasts@lpr.gov.lv. The number of participants is limited!