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Date: 13. June 2018
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Glasgow, United Kingdom
There is organized a good experience sharing visit in Glasgow (UK) coordination center (responsible partner “Jelgava municipality operative information centre” ). During the experience exchange representatives of Šiauliai City municipality and Jelgava city municipality institution “Jelgava municipality operative information centre” will monitor the work of Safe City Department of Glasgow Operations Centre. Members will get acquainted with the organization of Public Order Division, which composed of 6 Sections, specific of the structural units, the functions of Division, work efficiency, and the possibility of reducing the administrative burden. Šiauliai and Jelgava Cities specialists as observers together will participate in activities of the watch-keeping specialists, control officers and specialists of civil protection. Representatives will analyse organizational-technical measures, the ability to quickly and appropriately respond to the received reports of violations of public order, events, extreme events, will monitor ongoing tactical actions and so on. Also, representatives will collect useful information, that can be adapted to Šiauliai and Jelgava Cities Operations center’s promoting.