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Date: 19. November 2018 - 23. November 2018
Time: All Day
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Open call for applications for Klaipeda’s one week programme of practical seminars and creative workshops Visual Communication: from Business Philosophy to Social Contextsis launched within the framework of the project “Paradigm shift from “traditional” to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development” (CCI & Sustainability)
Klaipeda Culture Communication Center (KCCC) announces an open call for applications to take part in an open one-week programme of practical seminars and creative workshops Visual Communication: from Business Philosophy to Social Contexts. The participants of public seminars and creative workshops will enjoy the opportunity of getting acquainted with the theory and practice of the specificity and innovations of graphic design, the versatility of the field, and the possibilities of its applicability in business and social contexts. The session of practical seminars and creative workshops will take place in Klaipeda (Lithuania) on November 19 to 23.
The week-long session will focus on awareness-raising of the possibilities and prospects of graphic design as a tool of visual communication in the world of business and research. During the workshops, lecturers-practitioners will encourage the participants to deal with the assignments of graphic design as well as to analyse the specificity of visual communication and its technological possibilities. The acquired knowledge will be helpful for the participants in the adaptation of the visual communication methods in their professional activity and in the pursuit of career, therefore, students of creative specialties are especially welcome.
Four representatives from Latvia are invited to participate in an open one-week programme of practical seminars and creative workshops Visual Communication: from Business Philosophy to Social Contexts. The cost of their accommodation, catering and tutorship will be covered by the funds of the project CCI & Sustainability. Information about the project and the application template for one-week programme of practical seminars and creative workshops is available at https://www.kkkc.lt/en/main/eu-projects/cci-and-sustainability–1/creative-seminars/. Please, e-mail the filled-in applications at inga@kkkc.lt.
Klaipeda Culture Communication Center (KCCC) organizes art projects, introduces relevant trends of contemporary art, develops creative industries, initiates collaboration between art organizations of Klaipeda, Lithuania, and foreign countries, and develops cross-sectoral artistic and educational programmes.
The educational programme of Klaipeda Culture Communication Center is held in the framework of joint project No. LLI-338 Paradigm shift from „traditional“to creative industries – the essence for sustainable regional development. LLI-338(CCI & Sustainability), implemented under the INTERREGV-ALatvia– Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Leading partner: KuldīgaDistrict Municipality, project partners: Klaipeda Culture Communication Center, Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Liepāja Creative Industry Cluster, and LiepājaMusic, Art, and Design School. The total budget of the project is EUR 220,193. 06, including EUR 187.164,08 of the ERDF funding.
This information is prepared with European Union financial support. The content of this information is entirely under the responsibility of Klaipeda Culture Communication Center, and in no circumstances can it be considered an official position of the European Union.
For more information, please apply to:
Project Manager, KCCC Deputy Director for Cultural Activities Ona Bajorinienė