Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 29. April 2022
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Raudondvaris, Lithuania
On April, 29th, at 9:00, 12:15 and 13:30 in Raudondvaris Manor “Baltic treasure” workshops will take place.
The “Baltic treasure” workshop invites visitors to join this historic journey where they will be introduced to the culture of manors and castles, the crafts by Raudondvaris Manor and Bauska castle craftsmen that are still nurtured, and the authenticity they create. The new education will be organized by open door style when participant will meet not one but few educators who will help to create each “treasure” and at the same time will tell its origin, history and meaning. In such way the travelling participant will fully create his treasure chest where he will keep his own cherished secrets and a particle of authentic history.
It is a new educational program created during the autumn of 2021 by Raudondvaris and Bauska craftsmen. This international team of craftsmen-educators working in such areas as floristics, leather, calligraphy, jewellery, wood, candles and natural perfume, amber, textile and ceramics, gathered together to share ideas, knowledge and experience to create new education “Baltic treasure” that is now presented to the visitors.
raudondvariodvaras@gmail.com or +37064035936
There’s a limited number of participants.
Workshop is free.