Bringing neighbours closer
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24 January 2018
Last week, at our Saldus Business School participants, On January 17, Ralfs Minkevičs, the head of the selection of the Kurzeme region of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Turiba Business HUB co-founder as well as a myriad partner, co-founder and owner of the other organizations / companies, was visiting our participants to shared his story about the theme – The entrepreneurial and creative personality business story. Positive and less positive business experience. Thank you, Ralfs Minkevičs, for the inspirational story.
A story like this does not leave anyone indifferent and inspires people the right feeling that everything has their own time, you only need to understand what you really want and with 100% you must going forward to fulfill your goals.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10