Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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25 August 2018
On the 11th of August 2018 in Viesite Municipality Sport complex was held family sports event “Opening secrets of health”. In event was participated 54 family memmbers from Latvia and Lithuania. During the event, participants was participate in competitions among teams, families and individual demonstration of the equipment (overweight west for adult 1 unit, overweight west for children, 1 unit, parachute (training tool how to work in group and feel as you are a part of community) 1 unit, test tube (as a tool to teach about healthy food), 2 units, gym ball,10 units, game for children which promote children activity, 1 unit, 3D stand visually presenting negative effects of passive life style, 1 unit, magnetical stand for demonstration of material outdoor, 1 unit, 18 units of equimpent in total.). At the end of the event all participants had informal talks, communication between participants and soup.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10