Bringing neighbours closer
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28 July 2021
Many parents often think to themselves: “How can we make our life more varied without going somewhere very far?“. Three libraries (Ludza Town Library and Jēkabpils City Library in Latvia and Rokiškis District Public Library in Lithuania) have started a cycle of entertaining and educative activities “Family Time” for their local families. What do they offer?
Topics of the Family Times are so different, that it is impossible to list all of them. At every Family Time in Ludza, children and parents are invited to take part in a workshop and games. They learn about cats’ life, candies, money, play the large floor game “Circus”. On the 20th and 23rd of July, 2021, some families visited three local family farms.
Family Time at farm “Ceļa strazdi”, Ludza municipality
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10