Bringing neighbours closer
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16 November 2017
Growing of catch crops is recognized as one of the most efficient pollution reduction measures, which at the same time can benefit for the farmers as it allows to improve the soil conditions and reduce the loss of nutrients. Unfortunately, due to the lack of knowledge growing of catch crops is still not very popular among Latvian and Lithuanian farmers.
To encourage the farmers to grow catch crops, the project established demonstration fields in the Venta and Lielupe River Basin Districts where the most suitable under the local conditions catch crops were grown . On the Lithuanian side, farms in Pasvalys and Mažeikiai regions were selected, on the Latvian side demonstration fields were established in Auces and Talsu novads.
In October, 2017 farmers and all interested stakeholders were invited to the field days where they were presented with demonstration results, introduced with catch crop growing technologies, catch crop benefits and environmental effects.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10