Bringing neighbours closer
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28 September 2018
On the 21st of September 2018, Kaunas Technical College, organized the Event of joint interexchange of experience – Field trip to social partners’ enterprise The Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas’ Hydroelectric Power Plant in the frame of the LLI-24 – LitLatHV project “Enhancement of the mobility and employability of Lithuanian and Latvian specialists in the field of electrical engineering and high voltage technologies”. 17 representatives of 5 partnering institutions from Lithuania and Latvia had the opportunity to visit the largest power plant in Lithuania using renewable resources. The representative of Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas’ Hydroelectric Power Plant introduced with the electricity production process using water. It was a great chance to take a look at Hydroelectric Power Plant, one of the ways in which electricity is produced.
21 September 2018
Date(s) - 21. September
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas’ Hydroelectric Power Plant
Field trip to social partners’ enterprise The Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas’ Hydroelectric Power Plant
On the 21st of September 2018, Kaunas Technical College organizes the Event of joint interexchange of experience – Field trip to social partners’ enterprise The Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas’ Hydroelectric Power Plant in the frame of the project “Enhancement of the mobility and employability of Lithuanian and Latvian specialists in the field of electrical engineering and high voltage technologies”.