Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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29 December 2020
On 29th of December 2020 an online Conference of project was held. The main goal of Conference was to inform society and persons from municipalities about done activities, reached goals, research, planned improvements and already improved services.
Conference was started by welcome speech of Chairman of Jelgava City Council Andris Rāviņš and Director of Siauliai City Municipality Administration – Antanas Bartulis.
Detailed information about project, it’s objectives, activities and reached goals was presented by Lead Partner (Jelgava City Council), and also from Lead Partners part presentation about Digital Economy was provided.
As from Project partner – Siauliai City Municipality Administration side – very informative presentations about Concept of Siauliai and Smart cities was provided.
This conference was an excellent way not only to inform participants of Conference, but also receive important information about goals achieved and future plans that will be implemented in Future and a great way to finish e-Card project.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10