Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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29 July 2016
On Friday July 29 from 18:00 to 20:00 the eMS will not be temporarily accessible due to change of settings in the eMS. Change of settings is necessary because of noticed discrepancies for rounding of figures (calculation of flat rates and ERDF co-financing rate).
As a result, there might be slight changes in the flat rate amounts calculated by the eMS, which could lead to changes in the total budget of the project.
After the time indicated above, applicants are kindly requested to log in the eMS and check each project partner or lead partner total budget, ERDF co-financing and ERDF co-financing share and their correspondence to the amounts in the prepared partner or lead partner declarations. In case of discrepancies the applicants are kindly asked to update partner or lead partner declarations accordingly.
In case you have any questions regarding the eMS, please do not hesitate to contact our senior experts of the JS.
We are apologizing for any inconvenience caused.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10