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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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05 November 2018
With new challenges and a step closer to achieving aims, 13 enthusiastic, ideas-rich and creative participants have started their training at Saldus Business School.
In October, to our participants were visited by professionals in their field.
How to make yourself recognizable and what’s needed, to our participants, on October 10, all about the brand, its positioning, contact points and communication language, presented Beatrise Ķēde, representative of “Ekovalis Latvija” Ltd. Beatrise also visited the participants on October 18 and 31, when the topic, that was discussed, was social media, their use and influence on business, as well as the pros and cons. The most popular social networks in Latvia were discussed. It was also talked about where and how to advertise better.
On October 11, participants visited Dr. Inta Kulberga, University of Liepaja. At this time, was talked about idea – business ideas, business idea generation. It was also talked about the business plan, its necessity, as well as the company’s operation and strategy.
On October 23, Zaiga Jaunzeme, Client Operations Manager at the Liepaja Regional Center, AS “Development Finance Institutions ALTUM” shared a story about the business idea, how to plan well and finance, about opportunities and solutions offered. In turn, Mārīte Daga, CEO of AS Citadele banka, acting director of the Customer Service Center “Saldus”, shared the views on financing opportunities and how banks looked at business ideas or business plans.
On October 24, Ilgvars Skrīvers talked about financial instruments, aims and their achievement. He instructed the participants to analyze their business ideas to be more able to understand their business idea, what is necessary for its realization and what is already available.
And on October 25, the representative of The John Maxwell Team, a certified business coach – Jānis Janovskis, came to the participants. He was talked about team building and leadership, how to create an effective team to work smoothly.
We wish success and persistence in realizing your ideas!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10