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22 March 2020
Methodological E-handbook “From Degradation T0 Regeneration” on sustainable revitalisation of brownfields developed within the scope of the project LLI-386 “Trans-form”
It is called as a guide to urban environment regeneration and rebirth. The authors of the book are landscape architects, urban specialists, associate professors of Latvian University and Klaipeda University, the management of the edition has been supervised by the Ltd. “ALPS ainavu darbnīca” (landscape architects studio). The E-Handbook “From Degradation T0 Regeneration” is freely available in Latvian and Lithuanian language for every interested in the websites of the project partners in e-version (pdf).
It is intended for specialists working in municipality authorities and includes theoretical information on space reuse issues, examples of good practice in revitalization and regeneration, and reflects the projects “Trans-form” experience. The target audience of the handbook is urban specialists, students of vocational schools, decision-makers – all those interested in the issues of degradation and regeneration and ways of solving it. The purpose of the book is to broaden the existing, traditionally used, understanding of brownfields.
The E-Handbook has 5 main parts. The first part is devoted to understanding brownfields concepts, including specifically in Latvia and Lithuania. Physical, economic and social aspects and historical factors behind the formation of brownfields are described in this part. The second part is dedicated to examples of regeneration and revitalisation in Europe, positive regeneration stories. The third part is devoted to the project “Trans-form”, which includes examples of the brownfields in Latvia and Lithuania, which participated in the project. The fourth section of the e-Handbook comprises recommendations for site regeneration and revitalisation. In this section the readers can find the authors’ view of the best practice, model and approach solutions best suited for Latvia and Lithuania. The fifth part is a compilation of literature and additional references that can be used to obtain information on brownfields.
Direct access to the e-book in Latvian:
Direct access to the e-book in Lithuanian:
Līga Upeniece,
Project Information Manager
Latvian office of Association “Euroregion Country of Lakes”
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10