Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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07 December 2020
Managing Authority of the Programme has been working already for more than a year on preparation of Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2021 – 2027. We are now inviting residents of the Programme area (Kurzeme, Zemgale and Latgale regions in Latvia; Klaipėda, Telšiai, Siauliai, Panevezys, Utena and Kaunas counties In Lithuania), non-governmental organizations, companies, local governments, state and local government institutions and other interested parties to provide their opinion on the priorities of the programme and the necessary support measures.
The survey consists of 9 questions and will take about 10 minutes to complete. You can submit your answers by 20 December.
Feedback collected during the survey will be used when preparing Programme documents.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10