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22 October 2019
During the third project LLI-402 “risk-free” period, Ignalina Culture and Sport Centre has organized 12 sports events to present sport equipment, which was purchased in the framework of the project.
In total, 401 at-risk children and teenagers from Ignalina municipality participated in trainings, where local sport celebrities and role models coached them in the certain sport disciplines, such as tennis, skiing and cycling.
Olympic champions – cross-country skiers Kazimiera Strolienė and Modestas Vačiulis – coached children and teenagers and taught them how to use indoor skiing exercise machines and how to prepare for upcoming winter activities.
Tennis stars Alvydas Pūkas, Janas Gotovskij, Danutė Gotovskienė and Gotovskis Česlovas practiced serves with participants and taught them different tennis techniques. Lithuanian floor hockey champions – Šarūnas Lisauskas and Adas Čibiras – and cycling champion Inga Češulienė trained children and teenagers in cycling pedaling techniques and conducted cycling training workouts.
Sports equipment obtained by Ignalina Culture and Sport Centre in the framework of the project LLI-402 will promote physical and sport activities and make these activities more accessible to children and youth in Ignalina municipality, including at-risk groups, thus ensuring their social inclusion through sport.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10