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05 March 2018
Last week, on February 28th, in the usual place and time, a monthly seminar “Coffee with Expert” took place, where self-promotion trainer Niks Jansons and marketing manager of “Saldus Maiznieks” Ltd. Kristīne Kriņģele, together with her colleagues Raivo and Toms Blumbergi, who shared their experience, knowledge and stories how to successfully sell their product, service or anything else.
Niks Jansons told about their sales experience. Must have to work a lot to make money. “There’s a change in your way with powerful methods,” says Niks Jansons. It was also talked about how to sell more efficiently in nowdays, about types of communications where you can get faster results and, of course, much more. The main thing is to be open, we have to believe that we can and everything is possible.
In turn, Kristīne Kriņģele, shared the experience of “Saldus Maiznieks” Ltd. with sales, how to offer his product to others. The key is to understand whether you yourself believe in your product, whether it will be consumers, or you can earn whit it. All the time you have to think two steps forward. Refusals should also be considered, but you should never give up. Do not go this time, succeed next time. However, the most important thing is to attract customers and keep your existing client. It was interesting to listen, how the company shared its narrative about sales experience with other countries when they tried to offer its product outside of Latvia. It’s a real pleasure that our entrepreneurs succeed in conquering the world wide and that their goods are excellent!
Thank’s to everyone who visited the event and meet at the next event already in March 🙂
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10