Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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02 May 2017
For the past three weeks the Programme had organised information seminars on its 2nd call in six towns in Latvia and Lithuania, and three seminars on the implementation of already approved projects. To visit nine different towns our team had driven over 2500 km. Thanks to all 425 who attended our seminars. Now we are looking forward to well prepared project applications and well implemented projects!
Three seminars on project implementation
There were three seminars on projects implementation in Liepaja (21 April), Panevežys (24 April) and Daugavpils (25 April). All project partners of 41 projects approved at the beginning of this year – most of which already started their implementation – were invited to attend the seminars. The participants were introduced with the main requirements for the start-up, management and implementation of the projects, had possibility to meet their project managers from Joint Secretariat.
Six information seminars on the 2nd call of the Programme
Information seminars on the 2nd call for proposals introduced participants with the requirements for the project applications, the participants had possibility to approach JS team for personal consultations on their project ideas and other questions related to the application process. Seminars in Preili (12 April), Utena (13 April), Tervete (19 April) and Klaipėda (20 April) were held in English. While seeing high demand additional seminar in Lithuanian language was organised in Vilnius (on 28 April), and the round of individual consultations for potential applicants in Latvian was organised in Riga (on 27 April).
Although the information seminars are over the potential applicants still can receive consultations from Joint Secretariat by phone. Individual consultations in Joint Secretariat (Riga) or Branch Office (Vilnius) are also possible if agreed with respective project manager in advance. Contacts of project managers are available on the website of the programme.
The presentations of the 2nd call information seminars can be downloaded here:
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10