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02 May 2016
The Programme Joint Secretariat invites potential applicants to attend information seminars to receive information related to the 1st call for proposals as well as to receive consultation on the potential project ideas. Seminars will be held in English; participation is free of charge.
TELŠIAI, MAY 19, Telšiai District Municipality, Žemaites str.14, Telšiai
Please find the agenda of the seminar here. To register for the seminar in Telšiai, please click here. |
ANYKŠČIAI, May 25, Anykščiai Art Incubator, J. Biliūno str. 53, Anykščiai
Please find the agenda of the seminar here. To register for the seminar in Anykščiai, please click here. |
KAUNAS, May 26, Business Leaders Centre, K. Donelaičio str.62/V.Putvinskio g. 53, Kaunas
Please find the agenda of the seminar here. To register for the seminar in Kaunas, please click here. |
JELGAVA, May 18, Jelgava District Council, Pasta iela 37, Jelgava
Please find the agenda of the seminar here. To register for the seminar in Jelgava, please click here. |
DAUGAVPILS, May 24, the University of Daugavpils, room 308, Vienības iela 13, Daugavpils
Please find the agenda of the seminar here. To register for the seminar in Daugavpils, please click here. |
KULDĪGA, May 31, the seminar room of the Kuldiga Arts Gallery, 1905. gada iela 6, Kuldīga
Please find the agenda of the seminar here. To register for the seminar in Kuldīga, please click here. |
Margarita Apine
Communication Officer, Interreg Latvia –Lithuania Programme
+371 66016736
email: Margarita.Apine@varam.gov.lv
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10