Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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16 July 2019
In 01-02 March, 2019 an international workshop was organised in Kurtuvėnai, in the frame of the project “Joint and interdisciplinary long life learning training for professionals working with neurosensorimotor disorders (Interprof)”. Eighty professionals working with neurosensorimotor disorders from Lithuania and Latvia came together to increase skill and expand knowledge’s of working in the field of complementary and alternative medicine. The aim of two-day workshop was to increase skills and expand knowledge of specialists working in the field of neurorehabilititaion, with the latest scientific and practical achievements in the field of complementary and alternative medicine and promotion of multidisciplinary teamwork. During the introductionary workshop was organized the plenary session of leading visiting lectures from Lithuania and Latvia. During the plenary session the main topics were: complementary and alternative medicine possibilities in team work of rehabilitation, feedback-based training and virtual reality in sensorimotor neurorehabilitative physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy principles and justification also animals (hippotherapy, canis therapy and dolphin therapy) and art therapy principles. Participants had the opportuninty to saw the practical interdisciplinary team activities and measure its benefits. During the two-day workshop there was organize session-case studies corresponding to the training module, and to increase the network of professionals from different areas during this cooperation project on both sides of border.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10