Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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17 September 2018
Our Saldus Business School participants, September 12, held a Mentoring session. For this Mentoring session, a short film was produced, with the main roles of our participants presenting themselves, their business ideas and telling, what they would expect from mentors. Thank’s mentors, who found time and joined our event to help, with their tips and suggestions, to our participants. Each participant had a presentation of their business idea, which was also presented to mentors. After presenting all the business ideas, the participants had the ability, in an informal atmosphere, talk with the mentors, exchange contacts and agree on future work and plans! A productive and creative work with mentors began.
Thank’s all our participants and mentors: Andris Kronbergs, Ilgvars Skrīvers, Kaspars Freimanis, Beatrise Ķēde, Zaiga Jaunzeme and Arvils Jākabsons.
Good luck and success!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10