Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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16 September 2017
Join the Nidasciems-Palanga cycling tour organised by the Programme on 23 September. Spend an autumn day cycling near the sea and find out more about Latvia and Lithuania cross-border cooperation. The event will be organised as a part of Balts’ Unity Day 2017 celebration.
The cycling event will start at 11 o’clock, and during it participants will bike for about 30 km from Nidasciems, Latvia to Palanga, Lithuania. On their way the participants will have to answer quiz questions. The event will be open for public, free of charge, and everyone is welcomed to take part. More details on the cycling tour in Latvian https://ej.uz/4det and Lithuanian https://ej.uz/8qmm. Please note, that registration is mandatory if you want to participate: https://goo.gl/forms/EkSV2M5M6U3M4gcJ2. If you need more information on the cycling event, please contact Janis Vanags (phone +371 26424272, e-mail janis.vanags@varam.gov.lv).
We are also kindly inviting you to attend international tourism forum “Balts’ Road: Cultural Tourism Perspectives” hosted by the project “Balts’ Road” which is supported by the Programme. The participants will be invited to discuss how both countries can jointly react to the challenges in the culture tourism field, what tourism routes could be enhanced or jointly developed in the region, what changes are needed to make business environment more friendly for the development of tourism and will be asked to share their experiences. The discussions of the forum will be moderated by the representatives of the Lithuanian Seima’s Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Latvia and the Latvian Saeima’s Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with Lithuania. Presentations will be done by representatives of Latvian and Lithuanian institutions responsible for the development of tourism, economics and culture. To register, please visit https://goo.gl/f33ZKi.
Already traditional Balts’ Unity Day is an annual event celebrated to commemorate the battle of the Sun of 22 September 1236 when Lithuanians and Semigallians defeated Livonian Brothers of the Sword. This year it will be organised on 23 September, and will be hosted by Palanga municipality. The festivities will run for the whole day in various places/venues in Palanga giving you an opportunity to enjoy a host of cultural, sporting, culinary and intellectual activities. The full programme of the celebration is available here: https://www.palangatic.lt/renginys/baltu-vienybes-diena/.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10