Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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11 August 2021
We invite you to join 10th European Cooperation Day* celebration and take part in trekking tour in Birštonas on 4th September!
The trekking tour will take place in a region of unspoiled natural beauty, in a forest, in the vicinity of Nemunas Loops regional park, along the shores of the Nemunas – the longest river of Lithuania. You will walk on walking paths or forest trails as well as on asphalted paths with a walking time of 3 to 5 hours (approximately 14 km). No special preparation is required. At the route comfortable stops, where you will get snacks, tea, water and tourists’ porridge, will be made. Your efforts will be rewarded with eco-friendly presents.
On 4th of September, from 9:00 to 12:00, take your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, pets and come to the starting point in Birštonas Amphitheatre to enjoy, walk and celebrate.
The registration to the tour is obligatory. More detailed information shall be sent only to the registered participants, please register here. Registration is free and will be closed on August 30 and places are limited.
The event is jointly organised by all six Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes implemented in Lithuania. Achievements of projects and programmes will be presented in a designated information tent, during the recreational nature trekking tours and interactive games.
*European Cooperation Day is celebrated every year all over the European Union and its neighbour countries to outline the impact that Cross-border cooperation has for the European border regions. This year European Cooperation Day in Lithuania will be focused on the contribution of the European cross-border cooperation on health and wellbeing of population, border regions’ recovery from pandemic situation and return to regular life of building good neighbourhood and wellbeing along the borders.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10