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12 December 2022
Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020 project No. LLI-512 “Improvement of accessibility and efficiency of rehabilitation services of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Hospital and Rehabilitation Center Razna (RehabServices)” aims to improve the accessibility and efficiency of rehabilitation services and increase the rehabilitation capacity at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Hospital (Lithuania) and the Rehabilitation center “Razna” (Latvia). The total value of the project is € 373,389.54, of which € 317,381.10 (85%) is the European Regional Development Fund co-financing. The project started in August 1 of 2020 and will end on January 31 of 2023.
Improvement the qualification of rehabilitation specialists
In the course of the late summer and early autumn of 2022, Kaunas Hospital has organized the special skills trainings of rehabilitation specialists (qualification improvement). The following training topics were completed: “Features of physical therapy/ergotherapy for trauma patients”, “Examination and treatment of the lumbar spine with manual therapy and physical exercises”, “Movement methods and their effect on the control of endocrine diseases and the prevention of their complications”, “Testing and correction of muscles and muscle joints”, “Muscle imbalance and effective training of muscle joints”, “Examination and rehabilitation of the shoulder joint” and “Elastic resistance system and the concept of functional exercises in physiotherapy”. The duration of each training was 16 hours. In two of these trainings, specialists from both of project partners have raised their qualifications together. At least 220 employees of LSMU Kaunas Hospital and 20 employees of the project partner Rehabilitation Center “Razna” have participated in all these trainings. Corresponding special skills trainings were also organized in the Rehabilitation Center “Razna” in November of 2022.
Handbook for rehabilitation specialists
During the project, the preparation of the handbook for the provision of medical rehabilitation services, which contains the latest recommendations for rehabilitation specialists, has already been completed. The handbook provides detailed and clear practical recommendations based on scientific knowledge regarding the provision of rehabilitation services to patients after knee and hip arthroplasty, shoulder and back pain, stroke etc. The handbook is published in Lithuanian and Latvian languages as methodological material for rehabilitation specialists working in the institutions of project partners.
International conference
At the end of the project it is planned to organize a 1-day international remote conference on the topic “Modern methods of providing medical rehabilitation services”. Rehabilitation experts from Lithuania, Latvia and other EU countries will give presentations at the conference. It is planned that at least 40 employees of LSMU Kaunas Hospital, 10 employees of rehabilitation center “Razna” and guests from other health care institutions in Lithuania and Latvia will participate in the conference.
Prepared by the project manager Andrius Statkevičius, andrius.statkeivicius@kaunoligonine.lt
Project information is available at the following link:
Program website: www.latlit.eu
Official EU website: www.europa.eu
The content of this information is the sole responsibility of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Hospital and is under no circumstances an official position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10