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07 March 2022
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Hospital (Lithuania) and Rehabilitation centre “Razna” (Latvia) are successfully improving rehabilitation services by improving staff qualification and updating advanced rehabilitation equipment.
Such opportunities are opened for both medical institutions by the implementing Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross-Border Cooperation Program Project No. LLI-512 “Hospital cooperation in creating effective surgical services management in the cross -border region (RehabServices)” under priority 4 “Better quality of life by strengthening the efficiency of public services and administration”. The project aims to improve the availability and efficiency of rehabilitation services, increase the capacity of rehabilitation centers in the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Hospital and the rehabilitation centre “Rāzna” in Rēzekne.
Rehabilitation specialists from both partners’ institutions have participated in general skills trainings. The aim of these courses was to build and strengthen overall medical specialists’ qualification in the field of 11 topics such as “Conflict management”, “Stress management”, “Time management”, “Human resource management”, “Internal communication” and so on. Overall 108 specialists from Kaunas hospital and 32 their colleagues from Latvia from April till June of 2021 attended these courses and received huge qualification upgrade which is and will be very useful for their everyday work. Most of the participants expressed very positive feedback and hope to participate in other project’s activities in the future.
Both partners during the year of 2021 and 2022 have purchased and started the use of modern and advanced rehabilitation equipment which significantly improved the quality and accessibility of rehabilitation services. By the use of this equipment patients have better response and more patients receive rehabilitation services at the same time.
In the end of the project specialists of both partners’ institutions will participated in the special skills trainings such as “Means of movement and their effects on endocrine disease control and prevention of complications”, “Muscle and muscle chain testing and correction”, “Muscle imbalance and effective muscle chain training”, “Examination and rehabilitation of the shoulder joint”, “Elastic resistance system and concept of functional exercises in physiotherapy”.
Also, for the acquisition of new theoretical and practical knowledge, a visit to the rehabilitation center in Germany is planned. It`s planned to visit rehabilitation center in Germany who is applying the latest and most innovative equipment for rehabilitation, and has accumulated many years of practical experience in providing the highest quality services.
Additionally, the preparation of handbook for rehabilitation centers for provision of rehabilitation services to the inhabitants of cross border region is going to the end. The handbook will include assessment of rehabilitation services provided in the partners’ rehabilitation centers, assessment of existing new rehabilitation services provided in other rehabilitation centers, methods on provision of a good quality rehabilitation services, introduction of new after rehabilitation programs for clients and other. The handbook will be prepared in Latvian and Lithuanian and will be made publicly available as e-book on the project partner websites, as well as in a printed version.
The project started in August 1 of 2020 and will end on July 31 of 2022. The total value of the project is EUR 373,389.62, of which EUR 317,381.17 (85%) is the European Regional Development Fund co-financing.
Prepared by the project Manager Andrius Statkevičius, andrius.statkeivicius@kaunoligonine.lt
Project information is available at the following link:
Program website: www.latlit.eu
Official EU website: www.europa.eu
The content of this information is the sole responsibility of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Hospital and is under no circumstances an official position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10