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17 March 2021
Agenda-kick-off-meeting-LLI-501Kick off meeting together with Joint Secretariat representative and project partners took place on 15th of March. As a worldwide situation with COVID 19, this meeting organized on ZOOM platform.
During the Kick-off meeting overall information about project its aims and vision were given. Each partner presented its responsibilities and activities within the project. Timetable for the 1st and 2nd period was discussed in more details.
Project Lead partner is Daugavpils District Council, partner – Zarasai Tourism and Business information center.
The aim of the project is to increase the number of visitors in the border regions of Lithuania and Latvia by using the World War I heritage sites located in Daugavpils and Zarasai districts, which are relatively well-preserved on both sides of the border.
As a result of project, both partners will increase number of tourists in region and WWI heritage will be more reachable for people.
15 March 2021
Date(s) - 15. March
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Daugavpils District Council is implementing Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020 project LLI-501 “World War I heritage tourism route and expositions for attracting visitors to border area”/ WWI Route activities and organizing Kick-off meeting.
As a worldwide situation with COVID-19, this meeting will be organized on ZOOM platform on March 15, 2021.
The Agenda of the event can be found here: