Bringing neighbours closer
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17 April 2019
OPEN UP project opened new cooperation possibilities between children and librarians. In September 2018 Ludza (LV), Jēkabpils (LV) and Rokiškis (LT) libraries started organising so-called OPEN LESSONS for anyone interested.
In the OPEN UP LLI-263 project application the partners foresaw that during one year they would attract about 130 children to OPEN LESSONS. Recently the partners submitted a report for half a year and made a calculation. It turned out that more than 600 different children from Ludza, Rokiškis and Jēkabpils took part in this new action! OPEN LESSONS are interactive, educational, entertaining activities, where children learn, play, communicate. Why is it something unusual? Because it takes place in the library. In a 2:30 minute long video you can see how it looks like in Ludza Town Library.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10