Liepaja Creative Industry Cluster

Description: Liepaja Culture Department developed the first Creative Industry Cluster of Latvia in 2014, which provided cooperation and networking for creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, education and research institutions, etc. That was hybrid municipal institution's model, which allowed to organize different experiments, which are necessary for creative industry development. There have been organized different trainings, seminars, think-tanks, etc. In 2016, local creative persons and business companies came together to establish NGO. It is a very rare example in Latvia, where municipal initiative has influenced local citizens’ spin-off. Creative Cluster has been active during last years to communicate with politicians and different level decision makers to provide culture and creative industry lobby in local policy planning. Therefore, development of creative industry centre "D10" has become a very important priority in Liepaja. It will be the first such kind of centre in Latvia, which will support culture and creative industries and will offer new and innovative cooperation model between municipality, NGO and private sector. Culture and creative entrepreneurs (including freelancers) will be able to participate in different activities to provide business development and skills development. NGO "Creative Industry Cluster" is the legal operator of “D10” (municipal infrastructure), and high class educational and business support content will be provided here for CCI development. Representatives from Creative Industry Cluster have involved in different activities in national and international level, for instance, in the Board of Interreg Europe programme project “Regional Creative Industries Alliance” National Committee, which is operated by finance institution “Altum”.
Idea: Motivation to participate in the project is related to the creative industry centre "D10" development - this project will allow to provide content of the “D10” as well as provide support system of culture and creative industries in Liepaja.
Organisation type: NGOs
Organisation’s work area: Kurzeme
Organisation’s thematic objectives: Employment and labour mobility
Phone number: +371 29343731
Address: Darza street 10, Liepaja, LV-3401