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01 October 2018
In the light of the newly installed Navigation, Manoeuvring and Engine control Laboratory in Liepaja Marine College and Port operation simulator in Lithuanian Maritime Academy, there was raised necessity to upgrade some specific knowledge, in order to be able to update the subjects covered within the study programmes and to level-up the qualification of the academic staff in both partner institutions.
For this reason from 10 September till 14 September 2018 personnel representatives of both partner institutions attended joint training courses for instructors (Model course 6.09) and “Train the simulator trainer and assessor” course (Model course 6.10)) organized in LMC, Liepaja, Latvia.
The objectives of these courses included the planning and preparation of effective teaching and instruction approaches, the selection of appropriate methods of instruction and teaching materials, and the evaluation of the teaching and learning process. In case of the Simulator training, the instructors will further be able to operate the simulation equipment, develop practical exercises and appropriately adjust the simulator for their and the educational needs, as well as perform assessment of the trainees.
From 17 till 21 September 2018, another specific equipment training course was held in LMC – Transas ECDIS Specific Instructor Trainings, which was attended by LMC instructors.
The objectives of Transas ECDIS Specific Instructor Training course included deepening of instructors preparedness and knowledge for work with ECDIS and route planning with latest version of ECDIS simulation programme installed on the Ship Handling Simulator (Navigational Bridge) with integrated communication simulator in LMC’s Laboratory.
The gained knowledge will be further used to train and assess the competence of ship engineering and maritime navigation students and working personnel, including officers in charge of an engineering and navigation watch, logistic students and in maritime transport sector working personnel.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10