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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Project Duration: 03.04.2017 - 02.04.2019
Project ERDF Financing: 499177,44
Project call: 1st call
Demographic projections for Lithuania and Latvia show that an aging society in both countries will soon lead to a rapid increase in demand for health care services. In order to reduce the social exclusion of elderly people and to encourage them into active participation in society there is a need to improve their physical activity. During this project new elderly care electronic services will be introduced in social care homes in Lithuania and Latvia and accessibility of social services to the public will be improved. The project aims to develop elderly care services by strengthening disease prevention measures and the creation of new publicly available services for people with special needs. Social care and information and communication technology specialists from Lithuania and Latvia in this project will create a real-time human physiological parameters monitoring service that will allow professionals to identify and assess health problems, to create individual physical activity programs in order to improve their quality of life, prolong their independence and increase their integration into society. Joint Competence Center for smart elderly care social services development will be established, bringing together Latvian and Lithuanian social care, science and education community members enabling to exchange existing knowledge.
According to World Health Organization (WHO) there is strong scientific evidence that regular physical activity produces major and extensive health benefits in adults aged 65 and above. To encourage elderly people to engage in active physical activity is not so easy. Solution would be to develop individual physical activity, physiological state monitoring smart system, including motion sensing devices, heart rate monitors etc. Physiological signal monitoring of individual elderly people would enable specialists to identify and assess wide range of health problems, and create individual physical activity, relaxation therapy, or treatment programs in order to improve quality and prolong life of elderly people and enhance their integration into society.
Social media and contacts:
Phone: +370 46 39 89 06
E-mail: lli1.projektas@gmail.com
Website: https://www.ku.lt/
Address: Klaipėda University, Faculty of Marine Technologies and Natural Sciences, Bijunu str. 17, Klaipeda
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Project partners working together successfully have finished all the Project activities and achieved all the planned Project outputs and goals and fully implemented the project. Together it was organized common working meetings, intensive new Smart Social Services Development, common training courses, project dissemination and other activities. The most important of them:
1) LP_1, PP_2, PP_3 and PP_4 institutions administrative staff was employed and have organized the Project work.
2) All partners institutions staff have worked together and have carried out the Project activities.
3) All the progress reports has been prepared and approved by JTS and MA.
4) The target groups for the 3 training courses has been formed from the Klaipeda University students and staff members, Ventspils social care home staff, Klaipeda City Care Home staff, Ventspils Digital Center staff.
5) 3 training courses have been organized in Klaipeda and Ventspils. During the training courses members of the target groups has been trained and received practical skills and theoretical knowledge.
6) The agreement between project partners on establishment Joint Competence Center has been signed.
7)During the Project it was purchased a necessary equipment sets for all the partners and the equipment installation. This enabled achievement of project overall objective: enabling to develop and implement new smart social eldercare services. During the Project it was purchased a necessary equipment sets for all the partners and the equipment installation. This enables achievement of project overall objective enabling to develop and implement new smart social eldercare services.
8) All the partners cooperating has prepared the common needs and feasibility study on social services and infrastructure.
9) All the partners cooperating has prepared the common the report on investigation of institutional partners’ capacities and cooperation possibilities to develop strengthened and efficient public elderly care social services.
10) Partners working together has started preparation of the common requirements for the new smart social e-services ICT system for elderly care in cooperating partners’ network.
11) The LP involving all the partners has coordinated preparation of the Strategy for cooperation and center development if the future.
12) The LP involving all the partners has coordinated Development of the business plan for the created centre development in the cross-border region.
13) The report on pilot implementation of new smart eldercare social services has been prepared.
14) LP_1, PP_2, PP_3 and PP_4 has organized and implemented public procurement procedures and purchased the planned equipment.
15) Partners together have continued disseminating information to the public by all available means of communication including press, web and Facebook.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10