Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Project Duration: 27.11.2017 - 26.11.2021
Project ERDF Financing: 8 999 889.93
Project call: 2nd call
The overall objective of the project “Improvement of cross border road infrastructure for well connected regional centers and facilitated labor mobility in the border areas” (EASYCROSSING) is to facilitate geographical mobility and territorial integrity of the LV – LT border regions providing an appropriate transport infrastructure for mobility of work force, services and goods in order to reduce territorial challenges like high unemployment rate, emigration, low quality of road infrastructure etc. – impediment for sustainable regional development.
To achieve specific objective there are planned:
To ensure qualitative outcomes, partners cooperated already in the project development stage and it will be continued implementing common promotion activities, data exchange on available work opportunities etc. EASYCROSSING will be a kind of challenge for partners, focusing attention on the opportunities given by the qualitative road infrastructure more than on the fact that infrastructure is improved.
Reconstruction of following road sections planned:
The main target group is general public considering roads are public service provided by the states. Direct target group of this project will be daily users of Kurzeme, Panevėžys, Zemgales, Šiauliai, Telšiai regions at least, and it’s expected that project will ensure growth of the traffic intensity for 12% and number of commuters for up to 10% during 5 years after project implementation.
Project portfolio (pdf)
Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 67028175
E-mail: liesma@lvceli.lv
Website: https://lvceli.lv
Address: Gogoļa 3, Riga, LV-1073
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Vilnius, Lithuania
During the implementation of the EASYCROSSING project were done reconstruction works in 7 road sections of the Latvia – Lithuania cross-border road sections with total length 45,94 km.
The main users of these projects’ main output are the general public. Ex-Ante and ex-post analysis on the reconstructed road sections shows that during the project implementation were reached approximately 1,3 million big public. With the completion of the reconstruction, local inhabitants and drivers who are using the reconstructed road sections were reached and affected positively. Daily that is at least 1200 vehicles.
The most important added value of the project’s main outputs is facilitating geographical mobility and territorial integrity of the Latvia – Lithuania border regions providing an appropriate transport infrastructure for mobility of workforce, services, and goods to reduce territorial challenges like the high unemployment rate, emigration, low quality of road infrastructure, etc. – impediment for sustainable regional development.
Based on the data analysis of similar projects, it was expected, that traffic intensity on the reconstructed road sections will grow by 12% on average and the number of commuters per day will increase by up to 10% on average. These are assumed to be the target values for project results. After the finishing of reconstruction works, the average change of mobility in Lithuania was +20,4% (data on 2014 (2912), 2016 (3647) and 2017 (163) before reconstruction comparing with data after reconstruction on 2018 (2912) and 2019 (163, 3647), but in Latvia +59,9% (data on 2017 before reconstruction comparing with data after reconstruction on 2018 (P75, V961 and P106) and on 2020 (V1028)).
Traffic intensity data measurements show thar after road reconstruction average commuter per day amount in are increased at least at least till 3 thousand (in Latvia ~3,5 thousand, but in Lithuania ~3 thousand per day. Results are higher than was expected. It proves that the project’s results have been fully achieved.
Reconstructed road section near border in Lithuania (LT, August, 2019)
Opening ceremony of the road section P75 / V961 in Nereta (LV) on 14.09.2018 with representatives of Partners, Nereta County Council, local residents.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10