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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-350 Development of public services for cultural heritage preservation (DEVHERI)

Programme’s Priority Specific Object was to improve the efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions. Creating workplaces for employed craftsmen and for the stakeholders gives a huge impact for collaboration with different institutions as schools, college, universities, wooden heritage associations, and other public bodies and departments as well as on individual people. Both partners’ centers of restoration were newly equipped and now have the base not only for researches and theoretical seminars but also for practical workshops that implement a new public service – consulting, teaching and sharing real experience though the real work.

4 different seminars and workshops were arranged during the project and the video guides as the methodology material were established. A wide range of different activities (practical workshops, theoretical seminars, a joint visit to Great Britain) ensured that the knowledge of the public service in heritage prevention was absorbed in a great amount.

During the project, conditions for the public services implementation were improved, restoration and conservation specialists were trained. Also, having a  place for workshops, widened cooperation between schools, colleges, universities, wooden heritage associations and other public bodies and departments.

The number of participants was efficiently reached, the public was interested in the events and actively participated. Both partners have one of the best bases as their mission is to preserve the wooden heritage and to widen public society awareness on this issue which is very related to environmental questions.

Partners kept continuous tight contact and cooperation during the whole project because the experience they gained needs to be developed for the finest and smooth work of the centers.

This project has an impact not only for the centers’ public services but also for the main situation in the area while the awareness of the stakeholders about the wooden heritage issues and the environment was raised, so it undoubtedly adds to the environmental solutions.

Cooperation between different institutions was successfully established.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: 8 346 47233
Address: J. Aisčio g. 2, LT-56335 Rumšiškės, Kaišiadorių r.

4 September 2019


Įgyvendinant INTERREG VA LATVIJA – LIETUVOS PROGRAMOS 2014–2020 m. projektą „Viešųjų paslaugų kultūros paveldo išsaugojimui plėtra“ DEVHERI, Nr. LLI-350 Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejaus restauratoriai kartu su kolegomis iš Kuldigos restauravimo centro (Latvijoje) bei vietos bendruomenių atstovais ir meistrais praktiniame seminare „Senosios kultūros paveldo restauravimo tradicijos“ dalinosi senosiomis kultūros paveldo restauravimo tradicijų paslaptimis bei gerąją patirtimi.

Seminaro metu dirbo penkios muziejaus darbuotojų, meistrų ir kultūros paveldo puoselėtojų grupės. Restauruoti seni mediniai langai ir langinės iš Darbėnų ir Pakapių sodybų, nuvalant pažeistą dažų sluoksnį bei sutvirtinat konstrukcijas bei padengiant nauju dažu sluoksniu. Restauratorius Algirdas Šalkauskas drauge su kolegėmis restauratorėmis Gražina Babkauskiene ir Raimonda Žukauskaite pristatė Lietuvoje vyraujančias restauravimo tradicijas, bei pastatų perkėlimo į muziejų istoriją. Kuldigos restauracijos centro specialistas Janis Mertens ir restauratorius Mihails Sivuhins grupei pristatė Kuldigos restauravimo centro patirtis dirbant su medinių pastato dalių restauravimu ir atkūrimu.

Tinkų ir molio meistras Saulius Jackevičius drauge su restauratore Audrone Gogeliene susirinkusiems pristatė natūralius tinkus. Meistras Saulius Jackevičius paruošė mišinį bei parodė, kaip įvertinti žalą tinko sluoksniui bei nustatyti problemos šaltinį. Grupė dirbo prie Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejaus miestelyje esančios Sasnavos bažnyčios šventoriaus tvoros kryžiaus kelio stočių.

Restauratorius-stalius Jonas Kondratavičius, stalius Petras Potelis ir Kuldigos restauravimo centro restauratorius Agris Zingbergs drauge su komanda dirbo prie Daujėnų sodybos klėties stogo konstrukcijos ir viršutinio rastų vainiko jungčių atstatymo. O meistras Gediminas Zelionka drauge su talkininkais keitė greta esančios kėltelės nendrinę stogo dangą.

Restauratorius Valentinas Kirelis, Kultūros paveldo specialistas Romualdas Valantis ir Kuldigos restauravimo centro restauratorius Karlis Henins drauge su grupe darbavosi Aukštaitijos sektoriuje, Taurganų sodyboje. Komanda atitampė suklypusią ir pasvirusią klojimo konstrukciją.

Dalia Stabrauskaitė pristatė lyginamąją analizę Architektūrinio paveldo prevencinės apsaugos programos Europoje.


Kultūros projektų vadovė

Justina Jakštaitė

Nuotraukos Rimgaudo Žaltausko

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24 July 2019



„The old traditional methods (technologies) used for restoration of heritage objectsׅ”

August  26-30, Rumšiškės


LOAM in Rumšiškės has pleasure to invite craftsman, owners of wooden houses, students and professionals from Latvia and Lithuania to International Restoration Workshop 2019. Workshop will last for 5 days, August 26-30. Program will consist from practical restoration works of the wooden threshing barn and granary, windows, shutter and door, guided excursion, lecture and discussions.  Practical works will be implemented at the premises of Lithuanian Open Air Museum in Rumšiškės, lecture will be held at the Research and training centre of wooden architecture, Aristavėlės manor house. Participants will work in mixed groups at the different objects.

Preliminary program

August 26, Monday
9.00 – 12.00 Arrival, accommodation;

Guided tour around the museum (Rasa Bertašiūtė)

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 17.00 Introductions of the participants and workshops;

Presentation of the objects, discussion, work in the groups

17.00 – 18.00 Dinner
18.00 – 22.00 Free time
August 27 – 29, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
8.00 – 9.00 Breakfast
9.00 – 17.00 Practical WS with lunch and coffee breaks included
17.00 – 18.00 Dinner
18.00 – 22.00 Free time or cultural program
August 30, Friday
8.00 – 9.00 Breakfast
9.00 – 11.30 Presentation of the WS, discussion, coffee break,
11.30 – 13.30 Built heritage maintenance – oriented programmes around Europe. Comparative analysis and discussion (Dalia Stabrauskaitė)
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Workplace arrangement
16.00 – 17.00 Dinner and farewell


Contact person for the information: Rasa Bertasiute +370 61424136,




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11 July 2019


Implementing INTERREG V-A LATVIA – LITHUANIA PROGRAMS 2014–2020 project “Development of public services for cultural heritage preservation, DEVHERI, No: LLI-350” restorers of the Open Air Museum of Lithuania together with their colleagues from Kuldiga Restoration Center (Latvia) have deepened knowledge about the maintenance and preservation of built heritage.
During the study visit to England and Scotland the partners have been introduced with the cultural heritage preservation in Great Britain, the world leading country in this field. Some of the organisations have been established in 19 century and have more than 100 years experience in the field therefore serving excellent examples in management of the cultural heritage. So partners got to know also with high quality public services of preservation of historical houses through the centuries.
The main idea of this study was to get experience in public services delivery on both issues: practical and theoretical fields. The specialists of Latvia and Lithuania gained experience from more qualified specialists in Great Britain (from the museums, SPAB, HE, etc.) as well as they also saw the examples of good practices which they would try to adapt in Latvian and Lithuanian areas. Results of the visit strengthened capacity of two institutions working in field of the preservation of cultural heritage in Lithuania and Latvia.


First we visited The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) in London ( We were kindly welcomed by director Matthew Slocombe and Maggie Goodall Education and Training manager. Here we were acquainted with SPAB activities, heritage management and care. The most important that SPAB approach to building conservation combines well-proven principles with practical repair techniques. Next we visited Historic England (HE) institution ( met Duncan McCallum Strategy/Listing Director and Alexandra Warr Senior International Adviser. HE is public body that helps working with communities and specialists, share knowledge and skills to inspire interest, care and conservation, so everyone can keep enjoying and looking after the history that surrounds us all. In the Weald & Downland Living Museum in Singleton, near Chichester (, we were introduced by Lucy Hockley, Cultural Engagement Manager to the restoration works, exhibit depository and museum activities. This museum with his structure and sets is very similar with Open Air Museum of Lithuania, has very strong educational approach and good connection with university working with wooden architecture restoration and preservation. During the visit partners from Lithuania and Latvia acquired historical, practical and theoretical knowledge of preservation, management and care of the cultural heritage got know the examples of good practice.


We were highly impressed by Bath UNESCO World Heritage site. The Bath preservation trust ( exists to safeguard for the public benefit the historic character and amenities of the city and its environs. The Trust is striving to ensure the future success of special heritage city through conservation, education and museums. It is independent, funded by public membership, grants, donations and income from four museums that it operates in Bath. We visited two of them, Royal Crescent and the Museum of Bath Architecture, had excursion in the city. In Scotland we visited Edinburg World heritage (EWH) ( and Neil Ogilvy International project Officer presented EWH activities. Mission of it is to connect people to their heritage working in the field of conservation by developing and sharing knowledge, setting standards for quality of workmanship, providing advice, promoting research and facilitating the conservation work of individuals and organisations. Very close in the neighbourhood is located SPAB Scotland where we have been met by Lucy Stewart. We were very grateful to Dr. Peter Burman who gave us a valuable lecture about theory and practice in conservation. And the last we visited Scotland`s dedicated building conservation centre based in Stirling – The Engine Shed ( Here you can find everything from advice on how to look after traditional buildings to free exhibits and exhibitions exploring Scotland’s traditional buildings. Here we communicated with Brian Wilkinson from Technical outreach and education team who told us about education and training different target groups. Our journey ended with a visit to the Royal Palace in Stirling and successful trip home.


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22 May 2019

Study visit to England and Scotland

Implementing INTERREG V-A LATVIA – LITHUANIA PROGRAMS 2014–2020 project “Development of public services for cultural heritage preservation, DEVHERI, No: LLI-350” restorers of the Open Air Museum of Lithuania together with their colleagues from Kuldiga Restoration Center (Latvia) deepen the knowledge of wood mastery during Study visit to England!

During the study visit to Great Britain the partners shall be introduced with the cultural heritage preservation in Great Britain, the world leading country in this field. Some of the organisations have been established in 19 century and have more than 100 years experience in the field therefore serving excellent examples in management of the cultural heritage. So  partners will get to know also with high quality public services of preservation of historical houses through the centuries.

The main idea of this study is to get experience in public services delivery on both issues: practical and theoretical fields. The specialists of Latvia and Lithuania will gain experience from more qualified specialists in Great Britain as well as they also will see the examples of good practices which they will try to adapt in Latvian and Lithuanian areas. Result of the visit will be strengthened capacity of two institutions working in field of the preservation of cultural heritage in Lithuania and Latvia.

During the visit partners already visited the Weald & Downland Living Museum in Singleton, Chichester, where they were introduced to the restoration works, exhibit depository and museum activities. This museum with his structure and sets is very similar with Open Air Museum of Lithuania and is common with Kuldiga Restoration Center (Latvia) works with wooden architecture restoration and preservation.  During the visit partners  gain historical, practical and theoretical knowledge of preservation of historical houses, management of the cultural heritage and change the examples of good practice.

Justina Jakštaitė Manager of cultural projects


Pictures by Raimonda Žukauskaitė


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18 December 2018

Opening of Kuldiga Restoration (Kuldīgas Restaurācijas) centre

On the eve of the centenary of the independence of Latvia, on November 16 Ilze Zarina, head of the Restoration Center, and Inga Bērziņa, Chairwoman of Kuldigas County Council,  officially opened the door of the Kuldiga Restoration Center (Kuldiga Restoration Center).

In 2018 – 2019 y. Lithuanian Open Air Museum, in cooperation with the Restoration Center of the Kuldiga District (Latvia), implements the project funded by the Interreg VA Latvia – Lithuania Program 2014-2020, “DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE PRESERVATION” , whose aim is to promote public interest and participation in cultural heritage preservation activities.


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More articles
4 different seminars and workshops were arranged during the project and the video guides as the methodology material were established;

5 video-guides were created;

2 restoration centres newly equipped, one of them – renewed and created 4 workplaces.


After reaching the main project aim, conditions for restoration and conservation works were created to provide better services. After having successful seminars and workshops full of participants and renewed Restoration centre opened to the public, the activities will continue with the initiatives of our specialists, partners, and other interest groups.

In LP’s restoration and conservation center already works 2 cultural heritage specialists – they will ensure that the activities of consulting, seminars, and workshops will continue.

By having good workplaces there is now a real and open possibility to collaborate with schools, colleges, universities, wooden heritage associations, and other public bodies and departments.

The cooperation between Latvia and Lithuania will be also continued as their specialists will do consulting for each other. Both centers keep developing and looking for new partnerships, project possibilities and work on activities for the wider public.



Last updated: 27.06.2024 13:00