Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
About the programme
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29 August 2018
Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers and illegal immigrants. This is also confirmed by statistics – over the last five years around 300 offenders were detained only on the Belarusian border, while the amount of smuggled goods detected in 2017 was by 130% higher than in the previous year. Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”. The goal of the project is to restrict smuggling and illegal border breaches.
Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – do not be indifferent! Look and speak!
Budget: 580 236,21 EUR
85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)
Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10