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14 February 2022
Nature Conservation Agency in Latvia started education campaign about amphibians ‘Mission – Toad. Save the Price!’
This is the first year Nature Conservation Agency in Latvia started educational campaign about amphibians ‘Mission – Toad. Save the Prince!’. The number of toads is declining rapidly worldwide as a result of human influence. Also in Latvia, with increasing traffic intensity, toads are subject to extinction every spring during migration. In order to maintain the population of toads and help them to cross the road successfully, the Nature Protection Board in Latvia (the Board) invites the public to report the routes that are crossed by migrating toads every year.
Information about known toads’ migration locations can be reported by filling out the application form on the campaign website https://www.daba.gov.lv/lv/misija-krupis.
Here you can also find and explore a map with the already collected toads’ migration places, as well as apply in time for the volunteer toads rescue patrols. If you have any questions, please call the Nature Conservation Agency +371 67800389.
In order to improve school children understanding of the important role of amphibians in the natural cycle and to pay attention to the annual migration of toads in the spring, the Nature Conservation Agency within the campaign has also announced a competition for children creative work. More information about the competition on website https://www.daba.gov.lv/lv/jaunums/aicina-skolenus-iesaistities-radoso-darbu-konkursa-misija-krupis-izglab-princi .
Activities of the campaign in 2022 are implemented in the project “Improving Governance and Management of Lakes in Kurzeme and North Lithuania” (LIVE LAKE). Nature Conservation Agency will continue the campaign in the coming years.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10