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14 October 2019
Three new ecotourism routes in Latgale and Aukštaitija are available to travellers starting from this year. The routes are designed for different types of travellers, but they are accompanied by an emphasis on nature-friendly travelling and the identification of natural values.
The routes have been developed in the framework of the project “Development of eco-tourism by using water resources in Latvia and Lithuania” (Learn Eco Travel), therefore it includes tourism and nature sites in the area of all 7 project partners – in the municipalities of Preili, Riebini and Aglona in Latvia, the districts of Anyksciai and Moletai, Panevezys, as well as the regional parks of Sartu and Grazute in Lithuania. Routes include both, inspection facilities and accommodation, including campsites, catering sites, museums, etc. All routes have also the possibility of free use of equipment purchased during the project for water recreation, including people with special needs!
The first, easiest, traveller route “I Travel for Nature” is for those travellers, who want to enjoy nature at one weekend travelling by car. As travellers tend to be different, the route may not be travelled entirely, but with only one of the stages selected, even the starting point may be different – Preili, Riebini, Aglona or Panevezys in Lithuania. The cultural and historical heritage of the region and natural treasures can be found out in one weekend.
Latgale and Aukštaitija are joined by many lakes, so the route “7 Days 7 Lakes” invites to visit 7 lakes during the week, enjoying both, the joys of water, and the local culinary and cultural heritage. This route is suitable for experienced travellers, who want to get out from every-day routine and be with nature for a longer time.
The route “I Travel Without Restrictions” is designed for people with reduced mobility, so it includes objects and viewing areas that are also adapted to wheelchair travellers.
The routes are available in walk15.lt/lv/projekti/. The routes’ developer – enterprise “Walk15” (Lithuania), which has great experience in the development of routes and the organisation of travel-related large-scale events.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10