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14 January 2020
During the project “Development of eco-tourism by using water resources in Latvia and Lithuania” (Learn Eco Travel) a mobile application “Pure Water” has been developed, through which every visitor of lakes, rivers and ponds without deep knowledge in hydrobiology and without a laboratory equipment – a tourist, fisherman, holidaymaker or group of pupils – can try to determine the water quality of the particular water body and learn to recognize animals and plants living in water and shore.
The application can serve as an assistant to families, travelling with children and resting near the waters, to learn exploring nature, investigating the water and shores together, and trying to see the less noticeable. For example, by looking at the shores of the particular lake or river, paying attention to the water dryness and surface, the banks, etc., and answering to 8 questions, the user may be informed about the water quality of the particular water body. On its hand, the identifier of species with pictures and descriptions allows to recognise animals or plants observed near the water body. It is possible to preserve the observed species in the application, thereby “collecting” the observations, which can serve children as a kind of competition, at the same time exploring the diversity of the environment!
The partners of the project are the municipalities of Preili, Riebini and Aglona in Latvia, the districts of Moletai, Anyksciai and Panevezys, as well as Sartu and Grazute Regional Park Directorates in Lithuania, and therefore the application “Pure Water” also provides more information about nine water bodies of the project partners in which storage equipment purchased during the project is available for free for recreation activities near water also for people with disabilities – the pipes and ponds of Preili Park, Zolva, Rušona and Ciriša lakes in Latvia, as well as the lakes of Luodis, Šventas, Pastovo and Shventoji and Nevežis rivers in Lithuania.
Similarly, three new tourism routes developed in the project in Latgale and Aukštaitija are available in the application. Routes are designed for different types of travellers, for those travelling for a couple of days, for experienced travellers, who want to “disappear into nature” for a longer period, and for people with reduced mobility, all joined by the emphasis on nature-friendly travelling and the identification of natural values. As a result, the application user has also the option of locating the nearest inspection and recreational sites, tourism infrastructure, etc.
The application is available in Latvian and Lithuanian languages for Android and iOs users. The application was developed by “Jāņa sēta Map Publishers” Ltd, attracting specialists in the field. It is available in GooglePlay and AppStore stores:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=lv.preili.purewater un
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10