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11 February 2019
On January 18, 2019, the opening of virtual exposition “Wars and soldiers in Jelgava through time circles” and “Zemgale folk costume and its wearing traditions” took place and a seminar on the importance of virtual exhibitions in tourism development in Jelgava was organized. These expositions will allow visitors to look at different historical events and facts, offering to participate and engage themselves in different activities.
The exposition “Wars and soldiers in Jelgava through time circles” provides an insight into the four wars – from the Livonian War to the Second World War. In four scenes with a total length of about twelve minutes, exposition visitor can go through four wars to see how the war equipment, the warrior’s clothing has changed. Another important benefit is the opportunity to see the scenes of war in the historical places of Jelgava, which today have changed and hardly van be recognized. For instance, using historical photographs the museum staff has managed to reconstruct Jelgava Market Square completely, whose atmosphere visitors can feel through virtual spectacles. This virtual exposition will be located in the War Hall on the 1st floor of the museum.
While exposition “Zemgale folk costume and its wearing traditions” tells about the development of Zemgale folk costume and its wearing traditions. Putting virtual reality spectacles on exposition visitor may join skirt-weaving process where virtual image “the grandmother” introduces weaving work in process and provides information on the patterns, colours, as well as explains from what plants it is possible to acquire colours that have used for weaving the skirts. Recalling IV General Latvian Song and Music Festival, which took place in Jelgava in 1895, and the President of Jelgava Latvian Society, later President Jānis Čakste, did organizational arrangements, the virtual exhibition shows how J.Čakste addresses participants of the Song Festival and engages in other activities. This exhibition is located in the museum’s exhibition hall, which introduces the history of the city in the 19th century, when Jelgava was the centre of Kurzeme province.
Before to proceed with official opening of virtual exhibitions, participants of the event were acquainted with reports prepared by specialists of tourism and cultural history area on the significance of virtual exhibitions in tourism development in Jelgava and gained practical experience when sharing experience on introducing innovative solutions and promoting cross-border cooperation in the tourism sector.
Virtual exhibitions have developed within the framework of Interreg V-A Latvian-Lithuanian Cross-Border Cooperation Program project “Cultural Tourism Route of International Importance “Balt’s Road”, N0 LLI-187.
The aim of the project: is to increase the number of visitors in the program area (Latvia – Lithuania), promoting the development of tourism and creating a cultural tourism route of international importance.
Total budget of the project: 763 402, 38 EUR, where EUR 648 891.96 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 114 510, 38 EUR (15%) is National co-financing source (the state budget grant and partner contribution).
Project budget for Jelgava City Council: 117 850, 10 EUR, where 100 172, 58 (85%) EUR is European Regional Fund funding, 5 892, 51 (5%) EUR is the State budget grant and 11 785, 01 EUR (10%) – institution’s contribution.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10