Bringing neighbours closer
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13 August 2019
On August 8th, existing and emerging entrepreneurs in Saldus, as well as other interested parties, gathered in one place to learn more about the LEAN system – what it is, how to implement it in a company, how it helps to work and organize the business. Dainis Līnis, the manager of gas station “Circle K” Saldus and Sandra Austruma, the retail manager of Kurzeme region, gladly participated in this event and introduced their experience in implementing the system in the company. The participants listened with great interest. After the event, those who wished, had the opportunity to visit gas station “Circle K” Saldus, to see and understand how the LEAN system is being used there and how it works.
The event was implemented by the Kurzeme Business Incubator in cooperation with the association “Green and Smart Technology Cluster”, within the framework of the project LLI – 157, BEE Lab (Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation). The project is funded by the European Union. Co-financer – Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020.
For new knowledge, new achievements and success!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10