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25 April 2019
On April 12, 2019, new exposition “War and Warriors in Jelgava through time circles” was opened at Gederts Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum gathering evidence of war history from the Livonian War to World War II. While in a seminar on “Introducing Interactive Games-Expositions in Practice”, industry professionals shared their experience of developing and implementing virtual solutions.
Developed exposition «War and warriors in Jelgava through time circles» has opened at the Gederts Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum on permanent basis. The exposition summarizes historical evidence of events, ranging from Livonia to World War II and emphasizing the role of Jelgava and its inhabitants in them.
Exhibition reflects variety of military awards, First and Second World War weapons, 19th century pistols and cast iron cannons. As additional value of the exhibition museum representatives emphasise a possibility to view two models that reflects certain war events. One of the model shows old castle of Jelgava before its destroying in ‘40s in 18th of century, developed by Saiva Kuple. Second model illustrates Christmas battle in Tīreļa swam in January 1917, developed by Pauls Lūciņš. The newly opened exhibition hall also reflects variety of warriors’ suits, such as Semigallian warriors’ costume in 13th – 14th of century, Latvian army soldier costume in ‘20s in 20th of century, costume of General of the Latvian Army and others. With the opening of new exhibition, a work on development of new exhibition hall at the museum has finished.
Museum visitors may follow to development of war events – from the Livonian War to the Second World War – also virtually, in the virtual exposition “Wars and warriors through time circles”. In four scenes, the exposition visitor can go through four wars and see how the war equipment, warriors clothes have changed. An important benefit is the opportunity to see the scenes of war in the historical places of Jelgava, which today have changed to not being recognized. Using historical photographs, the museum has managed to reconstruct Jelgava Market Square completely, whose atmosphere visitors can feel through virtual spectacles.
Before to proceed with official opening of new exhibition, the museum also held a seminar on «Introduction of interactive games – exhibitions in practice». In seminar museum and company’s (UAB MulitimediaMark, Lithuania) representatives, which developed technical solutions of the virtual exhibition, shared their experience and faced challenges when developing and implementing innovative solutionsith with colleagues from Dobele and Tukums museums.
Virtual exhibition “Wars and warriors trough time circles” has developed within the framework of Interreg V-A Latvian-Lithuanian Cross-Border Cooperation Program project “Cultural Tourism Route of International Importance “Balt’s Road”, N0 LLI-187.
The aim of the project: is to increase the number of visitors in the program area (Latvia – Lithuania), promoting the development of tourism and creating a cultural tourism route of international importance.
Total budget of the project: 763 402, 38 EUR, where EUR 648 891.96 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 114 510, 38 EUR (15%) is National co-financing source (the state budget grant and partner’s contribution).
Project budget for Jelgava City Council: 117 850, 10 EUR, where 100 172, 58 (85%) EUR is European Regional Fund funding, 5 892, 51 (5%) EUR is the State budget grant and 11 785, 01 EUR (10%) – institution’s contribution.
Project implementation period: April 24, 2017 – October 23, 2019.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10