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15 September 2022
Slītere National Park Nature Center of Nature Conservation Agency in Latvia invites families with children to the opening of interactive traveling exhibition LIFE IN THE LAKE.
Opening will take place in Šlītere lighthouse (Talsi County, Dundaga municipality) on Sunday September 18 at 11 A.M.
After the opening and visiting the exhibition, everyone is welcomed to visit the Lake Pēterezers nearby where the special lesson about lake inhabitants will take place. Lesson will be guided by the author of the exhibition, hydro-biologist Loreta Urtāne.
“The heroes of this exhibition are the Kurzeme lakes and their various inhabitants. Only by learning, getting to know and understanding them, we will learn to manage the lake in a friendly way and be able to properly protect it. This is what this exhibition is about!” reveals the author of the exhibition, hydrobiologist, representative of the “Udensaina” society, Loreta Urtāne.
The exhibition with 11 informative stands, five different lake cognitive games and tasks will offer to discover the lake’s ecosystem in an exciting way, inviting to better understand the role of the lake and its surroundings as a habitat for aquatic plants, aquatic animals, insects, fish and birds. It will be an opportunity to learn more than one interesting fact about the inhabitants of the lake, see them “in the face” and better remember them. At the exhibition, you will also be able to understand the formation, development, and management possibilities of lakes, gain an insight into their research, as well as the human influence on the development of the lake environment. A special place in the exhibition is dedicated to the Kurzeme lakes.
The exhibition will be on display at the Šlītere lighthouse until October 2, after which it will begin its journey around Kurzeme and North Lithuania. Information about the location of the traveling exhibition will be published on the administration’s website https://www.daba.gov.lv/ , as well as on the https://www.facebook.com/SliteresNacionalaisParks.
Exhibition is created in the project LLI-449 “Improving Governance and Management of Lakes in Kurzeme and North Lithuania” (LIVE LAKE).
Date(s) - 18. September
11:00 am
Slītere National Park Nature Center of Nature Conservation Agency in Latvia invites families with children to the opening of interactive traveling exhibition LIFE IN THE LAKE.
Opening will take place in Šlītere lighthouse (Talsi County, Dundaga municipality) on Sunday September 18 at 11 A.M.
After the opening and visiting the exhibition, everyone is welcomed to visit the Lake Pēterezers nearby where the special lesson about lake inhabitants will take place. Lesson will be guided by the author of the exhibition, hydro-biologist Loreta Urtāne.
“The heroes of this exhibition are the Kurzeme lakes and their various inhabitants. Only by learning, getting to know and understanding them, we will learn to manage the lake in a friendly way and be able to properly protect it. This is what this exhibition is about!” reveals the author of the exhibition, hydrobiologist, representative of the “Udensaina” society, Loreta Urtāne.
The exhibition with 11 informative stands, five different lake cognitive games and tasks will offer to discover the lake’s ecosystem in an exciting way, inviting to better understand the role of the lake and its surroundings as a habitat for aquatic plants, aquatic animals, insects, fish and birds. It will be an opportunity to learn more than one interesting fact about the inhabitants of the lake, see them “in the face” and better remember them. At the exhibition, you will also be able to understand the formation, development, and management possibilities of lakes, gain an insight into their research, as well as the human influence on the development of the lake environment. A special place in the exhibition is dedicated to the Kurzeme lakes.
The exhibition will be on display at the Šlītere lighthouse until October 2, after which it will begin its journey around Kurzeme and North Lithuania. Information about the location of the traveling exhibition will be published on the administration’s website www.daba.gov.lv, as well as on the Facebook account of Slītere National Park.
Exhibition is created in the project LLI-449 “Improving Governance and Management of Lakes in Kurzeme and North Lithuania” (LIVE LAKE).