Bringing neighbours closer
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30 September 2021
On September 26, 2021, in Linksmučiai pine forest, Pakruojis district, Lithuania, three generations – grandparents, parents and grandchildren – participated in the event “Let’s Paint in Autumn”. The celebration brought together more than 150 participants, volunteers, social workers and representatives of various institutions and organizations from Pakruojis and Iecava municipalities.
The “owner” of Linksmučiai pine forest – character Miškinis (wood gobblin) and his friend Dailininkas (Artist) – were responsible for the order of the festival. They quickly divided all the participants into six colored teams and involved everyone in the overall exercise.
From the beginning to the end of the event cheerful characters did not let the teams get bored: the participants had to come up with a team name, create a poster, slogan, and all together had to overcome the tasks assigned to Miškinis and his friend Dailininkas. Activities were enough until late in the afternoon!
The participants of the festival colored the autumn with smiles, Lithuanian and Latvian dances, games, songs and friendship. The songs of the children’s ensemble “Smiles” of the Pakruojis Cultural Center surfaced colorfully, the clown that arrived showed many pranks and surprises! During lunch everyone, small and large, tasted a delicious stew cooked on a campfire.
The little ones baptized on the trampoline, enjoyed the drawings on their faces, and temporary tattoos were tried not only by their grandchildren, but also by their grandparents and parents.
The organizer of the event, the head of the Municipal Social Welfare Department Daiva Rutkevičienė thanks the main helpers: Pakruojis Non stationary Social Services Center, Linkuva Social Services Center, Klovainiai Center for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities, Linkuva Culture Center, Pakruojis Eldership. Thanks to the volunteers for organizing the activities: Pakruojis branch of the Lithuanian Samaritan Community, Pakruojis Open Youth Center, Pakruojis Hope Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Noreikoniai Youth Club, Rozalimas community, Linkuva Social Care Home staff and Pakruojis J. Paukštelis Public Library staff.
More information about the project ⇒ here.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Pakruojis District Municipality Administration and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Reference to Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020 website www.latlit.eu.
Link to the official website of the European Union www.europa.eu.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10