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21 April 2021
In the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 programme project LLI-506 “The safe environment for pupils and teachers – the basis for quality education” (Safe School) project management and steering group meetings were held, during which the partners informed for what has been done so far.
Iecava municipality has deployed speed radars and a surveillance network with 32 cameras. Purchased equipment for safe traffic training – bicycles, helmets, as well as imitation obstacles, which you may have to overcome while riding a bicycle. In the next periods of the project, Iecava municipality plans to create a safe driving training area with various elements that will be suitable for people of any age who want to improve their cycling skills.
Joniškis Primary School “Saule” has implemented various events within the framework of the European Mobility Week, during which information about the project was provided, as well as various activities were organized with the participation of representatives of the city municipality, police officers, teachers and students. In the continuation of the project, the primary school “Saule” will organize procurements for the improvement of the sports field and the development of the video surveillance system of the territory. The school is planning to purchase 55 video surveillance cameras, of which 23 will be located inside the school, but 22 outside. It is also planned to introduce additional security measures online by installing antivirus, antispyware programs, mail filters and other tools.
In addition, project partners in the Pakroja region municipality are implementing the project activities – they have installed video surveillance systems in three district educational institutions, purchased games for stress management and emotional health, as well as equipment for first aid training.
All project activities are aimed at increasing the understanding, knowledge and practical skills among students and teachers in preventing or reducing various security threats, which in general allows to create a safe and friendly school environment in each of the municipalities. The total funding of the project is 452,585.75 euros, including ERDF funding – 384,697.86 euros.
This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Zemgale Planning Region and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10