Bringing neighbours closer
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06 September 2019
The impact of EU cross-border cooperation programmes to the good neighbourhood and quality of life will serve as a backbone of public debate to take place on September 7, during Lithuanian national discussion festival “Būtent!”.
Prominent Lithuanians, living in neighbouring countries as well as notable figures of cross-border relations will joint in public debate dedicated to the European Cooperation Day. The issues to be discussed reflect the grass-root perception of the European Cooperation programmes and their impact on daily life of people living in the border areas.
Did European investment into Neighbourhood cooperation programmes have brought neighbours closer alongside the external borders? Have we built better, more inclusive and more competitive neighbourhood? Whilst doing so, haven’t we created new iron, paper or information curtains with our neighbours? What does it take to be a good neighbour today, after more than 15 years of EU cross-border cooperation?
Those questions will be addressed in a public debated moderated by Mr. Arnoldas Pranckevičius, head of European Commission representation in Lithuania.
This public debate is a part of national discussion festival “Būtent!“ and is dedicated to the European Cooperation Day – Europe-wide annual series of events organized in September and aimed to present the results of European Cross-Border cooperation.
More information on festival: https://diskusijufestivalis.lt/
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10