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20 February 2023
After 30 months of intensive work, the LLI-425 “OCTOPUS” project is completed. The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district.
In order to successfully continue what has been started and to provide knowledge for further work as well, based on the experience of Latvia and Lithuania, guidelines for the operation of multifunctional centers have been developed, which will help center specialists in their daily work. A video is available on the Youtube profile of the Zemgale planning region, where you can familiarize yourself with the goals and results achieved during the project in more detail. There you can also watch videos about every center that has been involved in the project.
Ieva Zeiferte, the project manager of the Zemgale planning region, is pleased with what was accomplished during the project, so there are bittersweet emotions at its conclusion: “Every end is the beginning of something good – this project was a good start for the newly created centers in Zemgale.”
Watch videos about the centers HERE.
Video about the project results:
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10