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11 May 2021
On 14 May 2021 DeploySkills Cross-Border Project ONLINE Conference will present the Case of BTEC, the international qualifications, which open new doors into rewarding careers, so student can get the career he or she wants with the skills employers need.
The DeploySkills project enhanced employability and encouraged students to gain skills to help them with career progression, while providing internationals recognition for learners’ abilities and evidence of the skills required for success in the workplace. Vocational training programme “Work Skills” was developed based on internationally recognised Pearson BTEC standards and using the best global practices. Programme “Work Skills” includes self-management Skills, Self-assessment, Working in a Team, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Personal Skills for Leadership, Presentations for Work, Negotiation Skills and Persuasion in the Workplace, Critical Thinking, Solving Work-related Problems, Project Management Skills, Skills for Starting a Business (180 learning hours). The programme was piloted, in Latvia (Ventspils) and Lithuania (Panevėžys), while involving 100 students.
Please register to the conference here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAnaWFpkV3S7wbwHqkJ1OIOexQY0kUXni_y71XC4ZjPd7u_g/viewform
This project is funded by the European Union, Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020. Total projects size is 221 490.30 EUR. Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 188 266.75 EUR. The Interreg V-A Latvia –Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to contribute to the sustainable and cohesive socio-economic development of the Programme regions by helping to make them competitive and attractive for living, working and visiting.
Project duration: 01.06.2018 – 31.05.2021
Link to the Programme website www.latlit.eu.
Link to the official EU website www.europa.eu.
Date(s) - 14. May
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
On 14 May 2021 DeploySkills Cross-Border Project Conference will present the Case of BTEC, the international qualifications, which open new doors into rewarding careers, so student can get the career he or she wants with the skills employers need.
The needs for employability skills reflect the economic character of both Ventspils and Panevezys region. The project aimed at helping adult employees to adapt to rapidly changing technology environments and to embrace social skills. Due to challenges faced by the labour markets and regional economies, there is a need for a well-balanced marketing mix of the educational programmes, and some radical changes at programme and institutional levels, while looking for some very strong differentiating factors. improvement of the education system through introduction of systemic approach to the solution, while involving relevant stakeholders and applying innovative technologically and methodologically sound teaching and learning methods, could lead to impactful results, especially from the perspective of people striving to become the entrepreneurs or adjusting to rapidly changing demands for work quality.
The DeploySkills project enhanced employability and encouraged students to gain skills to help them with career progression, while providing internationals recognition for learners’ abilities and evidence of the skills required for success in the workplace. Vocational training programme “Work Skills” was developed based on internationally recognised Pearson BTEC standards and using the best global practices. Programme “Work Skills” includes self-management Skills, Self-assessment, Working in a Team, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Personal Skills for Leadership, Presentations for Work, Negotiation Skills and Persuasion in the Workplace, Critical Thinking, Solving Work-related Problems, Project Management Skills, Skills for Starting a Business (180 learning hours). The programme was piloted, in Latvia (Ventspils) and Lithuania (Panevėžys), while involving 100 students.
Please register to the conference here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAnaWFpkV3S7wbwHqkJ1OIOexQY0kUXni_y71XC4ZjPd7u_g/viewform
BTEC – Business & Technology Education Board in the UK, which grants BTEC qualifications. BTEC currently offers to acquire around 2000 qualifications in 16 sectors and is available from the starting level to professional qualifications at level 7 (equivalent to postgraduate studies). The programmes can be studied in internationally accredited BTEC centres, including Ventspils Vocational College and Panevezys Vocational Education Centre
This project is funded by the European Union, Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020. Total projects size is 221 490.30 EUR. Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 188 266.75 EUR. The Interreg V-A Latvia –Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 aims to contribute to the sustainable and cohesive socio-economic development of the Programme regions by helping to make them competitive and attractive for living, working and visiting.
Project duration: 01.06.2018 – 31.05.2021
Link to the Programme website www.latlit.eu.
Link to the official EU website www.europa.eu.