Bringing neighbours closer
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14 May 2024
Zarasai district municipality with Daugavpils city municipal authority Social Service and Zarasai district Antazavė social service centre “Kartų namai” implemented a project aimed at developing a new integrated social care network which increased accessibility and efficiency of social services in cross-border region Zarasai–Daugavpils. The project activities included the reconstruction of orphanages in Daugavpils (Latvia) and Zarasai (Lithuania): empty rooms were renovated, furnished, and equipped to make them comfortable for elderly people with special needs. Older people have been trained to adapt to changing lifestyles. They have been introduced to the importance of nutrition for physical and emotional well-being, trained in computer literacy, and during the pandemic, due to COVID, quickly learned to use smart devices and to participate in trainings and meetings remotely. People experiencing social exclusion were eager to participate in physical activity training and workshops, where they had the opportunity to meet and interact with citizens of similar age and experiencing similar problems throughout the project period. The training was organised not only for older people from vulnerable groups, but also for staff working in social services. Staff gained knowledge and experience from social services in other countries, which they applied in their direct work and passed on to other colleagues.
During the implementation of this project, a strategic plan for social Inclusion of Zarasai district and Daugavpils city 2022–2027 was developed (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). The Plan means a document establishing the vision, direction and aims of development of the social area in order to rationally use the resources, create social products and provide social services meeting the needs of local residents and guests of the municipality. It is expected that the overall strategy for social services will allow to deal with interregional problems, achieve higher interinstitutional cooperation level, initiate joint projects.
The Project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund, total project value is 705810,00 euros.
This information has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of this information is the responsibility of Zarasai District Municipality. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10