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29 October 2018
On 10th-12th October Experience exchange visit to the Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre Dog Training Board took place in Vilnius, Lithuania.
10 officers of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia and their service dogs visited the Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre Dog Training Board where together with colleges from Lithuania explored Dog Training Board structure, functions and organization of training and working processes. Within this meeting, Lithuanian and Latvian police dog handlers shared their theoretical and practical experience. The main focus was on training programs and methodologies for training of young puppies and professional dog training subtleties. The Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre Dog Training Board Specialists introduced participants to the training programs goals, objectives and expected results. Many different practical exercises were held within the meeting. Dog handlers from both countries shared their practical experience in the use of service dogs at the scene of the crime, search for a missing person, tracking and apprehending a person who committed a criminal offense.
Additional information regarding project Experience exchange visit is available here in Lithuanian.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10