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10 July 2017
Project „Palanga. Pavilosta: Maritime inspired history“ No. LLI -173 partners‘ meeting took place on the 21th of June in Pavilosta (Latvia). The meetings used to take place in Palanga till now, so that was the first time when Palanga residents visited partner‘sheadquarters. Director of Palanga resort museum Mr Jūratis Viktoras Liachovičius, chief accountant Mrs Lina Sebeckienė, chief fund depositor Mrs Virginija Paluckienė, director of Pavilosta museum of regional studies Mrs Irina Kurčianova and Pavilosta municipality project coordinator Mrs Vizma Gegere took part in the meeting. Lodgments of Pavilosta museum of regional studies where the new exposition according to the project is goiong to be installed were viewed, the particular Interactive exposition change dates were arranged during autumn, project advertising company was considered.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10